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Raising for Effective Giving is repeating last year’s #SCOOP4Charity fundraiser at the 2017 Spring Championship of Online Poker – poker players like you can make a significant impact by pledging over 3% of your final table winnings. With a total of 57 events, this year’s SCOOP is one of the biggest yet, and is a great […]
Read moreThis is REG’s third annual transparency report (see our reports for 2015 and 2014). This report complements the semiannual reports on money moved (S1, S2). Total Donations The ‘total donations’ figure reflects all donations that have been significantly influenced by REG. That is, if a donor thinks that REG (at least) significantly influenced them to […]
Read moreThis is the semiannual report detailing all money moved by REG in the second half of 2016 (see the following link for our S1 2016 report). Total Donations in S2 2016 In the second half of 2016, REG donors gave a total of $1,197,280 to effective charities. The ‘total donations’ figure reflects all donations that have […]
Read moreDan Smith’s donation drive initially set off to raise $350,000, with $175,000 available for matching. It ultimately ended up raising $1.7 million for highly cost-effective charties and thus likely exceeded anyone’s expectations by far (including our own). Such a turn of events seems very fortunate, but a case can be made that there was more […]
Read moreWe are very pleased to announce the success of Dan Smith’s donation drive in raising $1.7 million, mainly for effective charities. Smith’s donation drive started with $175,000 available for matching, which eventually grew to $500,000 thanks to the generous support of Martin Crowley, Tom Crowley and an anonymous donor. Thanks to the help of the […]
Read moreUpdate: Dan Smith and Martin Crowley have successfully raised $1 million! Daily Fantasy Sports superstar Martin Crowley has recently maxed out the $300,000 available matching funds for Dan Smith’s donation drive, resulting in $600,000 raised in total. He has also doubled down on effective giving by pledging an additional $200,000 for matching to the GiveWell’s top […]
Read more“I’ve had some sleepless nights wondering whether humans should feel required to help others. Assuming those that can help without much sacrifice are obligated—and knowing that poker is a zero sum game—I felt that I should be contributing my time to other activities. I find it encouraging that I can make real, tangible differences with […]
Read moreAs the end of the year approaches, we know that many of you will be preparing to donate to effective charities. Considering where to donate can be a difficult, yet fulfilling task. At REG, we want to provide as much information as needed to help donors find the most effective giving opportunities. One critical factor […]
Read moreAt REG, we want to achieve as much good as possible with our donations. We try to accomplish this by finding charities that are doing much more good than average. The amount of good produced by the best charities vs. average charities can differ by an order of magnitude depending on certain broad criteria. Research […]
Read moreUpdate: The REG community has successfully completed this challenge, raising $70,000 in total for effective charities. Dimi and Dan Shak challenge the poker community to donate $35,000 to highly effective charities. They will match every donation dollar by dollar, thus doubling the effect of every donation. “I first became aware of REG through Igor, Liv, and […]
Read moreRoman Romanovsky, who first got in touch with REG at an EPT stop a couple of years ago, had already initiated a charity marathon in 2015, when he grinded for more than four months and ultimately donated $18,500 to highly effective charities such as the Against Malaria Foundation, GiveWell’s top recommended charity, and the Machine Intelligence Research […]
Read moreThis is the semiannual report detailing all money moved by REG. As always, it’s intended to create transparency about where REG donations are allocated. In the first half of 2016, REG supporters donated a total of $301,847 [1] to highly effective charities. The exact allocation of all (i.e., restricted and unrestricted) donations is shown in the […]
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