Some aid programs are up to 1,000 times more effective than others. Some even have a negative effect. Choosing where to donate is an important yet sometimes daunting task, especially as the best interventions are significantly more effective than others .

At REG, we know the stakes are high and we want to help. Making the best choice requires evidence, analysis, and rational thinking. This is a difficult task for anyone working independently. This is where we come in. We examine the growing body of research around which causes are most important, and which interventions within them might be the most effective. For small donors we have created our guide to effective giving and a list of the most best giving opportunities. However, for donors who want to give more than $10,000 unique considerations might apply. That’s why we also offer free donation advice sessions for individuals, corporations, and in support of fundraising events. During a one-to-one donation advice session we:

  • Discuss your specific motivations and values to find the charities to which you’re best suited;
  • Provide the reasoning behind our support for different charities; and
  • Explain the most up-to-date evidence on and research for each option.
  • Provide additional support for corporate donors and fundraising events.


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